Academic CV and My Works
Scientific studies
Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals;
1. Noseri H, Erden T, Toros S, Habesoglu M, Egeli E, Aker F, Cetin S. Intraductal papilloma of the parotid gland in a child. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2007 Nov;264(11):1385-6.
2. Bars N, Atlay Y, Tülay E, Tanju G. Extensive subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum associated with blowout fracture of the medial orbital wall. J Trauma. 2008 May;64(5):1366-9.
3. Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Bolukbasi S, Naiboglu B, Eriman M, Karaman M, Egeli E. Does auditory tube angle really affect childhood otitis media and size of the mastoid? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2009 May;73(5):747-9.
4. Bolukbasi S, Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Samanci B, Erol Y, Gumrukcu G, Egeli E. Histopathological changes of rat larynx mucosa with exposure to chronic thinner inhalation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009 Jul;141(1):75-80.
5. Habesoglu TE, Balak N, Habesoglu M, Zemheri E, Isik N, Elmaci I, Egeli E. Intracranial cholesteatoma - case report and critical review. Clin Neuropathol. 2009 Nov-Dec;28(6):440-4. review.
6. Karaca CT, Habesoglu TE, Naiboglu B, Habesoglu M, Oysu C, Egeli E, Tosun I. Schwannoma of the tongue in a child. Am J Otolaryngol. 2010 Jan-Feb;31(1):46-8.
7. Naiboglu B, Deveci I, Kalaycik C, Daylan A, Habesoglu TE, Toros SZ, Deveci SE, Egeli E. Effect of nasolacrimal duct obstruction on nasal mucociliary transport. J Laryngol Auto. 2010 Feb;124(2):166-70.
8. Habesoglu TE, Kulekci S, Habesoglu M, Deveci I, Deveci S, Toros S, Naiboglu B, Kinis V, Egeli E. Comparative outcomes of using fibrin glue in septoplasty and its effect on mucociliary activity. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010 Mar;142(3):394-9.
9. Naiboglu B, Kinis V, Toros SZ, Habesoglu TE, Deveci I, Surmeli M, Egeli E. Diagnosis of anterior commissure invasion in laryngeal cancer. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Apr;267(4):551-5.
10. Toros SZ, Kiliçoğlu G, Noşeri H, Naiboğlu B, Kalaycik C, Külekçi S, Karaca CT, Habeşoğlu T. Does adenoid hypertrophy really have effect on tympanometry? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Apr;74(4):365-8.
11. Toros SZ, Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Bolukbasi S, Naiboglu B, Karaca CT, Egeli E. Do patients with sclerotic mastoids require aeration to improve success of tympanoplasty? Acta Otolaryngol. 2010 Aug;130(8):909-12.
12. Toros SZ, Karaca CT, Habeşoğlu TE, Noşeri H, Ertugay CK, Naiboğlu B, Egeli E. Is there a relation between mastoid aeration and Körner's septum? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Oct;267(10):1523-6.
13. Toros SZ, Toros AB, Ozel L, Çatal BE, Kiniş V, Zorlu A, Habeşoğlu TE, Naiboğlu B, Egeli E. Investigation of gastric pepsinogen in middle ear fluid of children with glue ear. Acta Otolaryngol. 2010 Nov;130(11):1220-4.
14. Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Toros SZ, Deveci I, Surmeli M, Sheidaei S, Baran A, Egeli E. How does childhood otitis media change the radiological findings of the temporal bone? Acta Otolaryngol. 2010 Nov;130(11):1225-9.
15. Toros SZ, Noşeri H, Ertugay CK, Külekçi S, Habeşoğlu TE, Kılıçoğlu G, Yılmaz G, Egeli E. Adenotonsillar hypertrophy: Does it correlate with obstructive symptoms in children? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Nov;74(11):1316-9.
16. Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Surmeli M, Uresin T, Egeli E. Unilateral sinonasal symptoms. J Craniofac Surg. 2010 Nov;21(6):2019-22.
17. Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Sürmeli M, Deveci I, Toros SZ, Gunes P, Tugtepe H, Egeli E. Histological changes of rat soft palate with exposure to experimental laryngopharyngeal reflux. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2010 Dec;37(6):730-6.
18. Habesoglu M, Habesoglu TE, Gunes P, Kinis V, Toros SZ, Eriman M, Egeli E. How does reflux affect laryngeal tissue quality? An experimental and histopathologic animal study. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010 Dec;143(6):760-4.
19. Surmeli M, Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Deveci I, Eriman M, Kinis V, Gunes P, Egeli E. Histopathological effects of estrogen deficiency on larynx mucosa in ovariectomised rats. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2011 Feb;268(2):261-6.
20. Toros SZ, Toros AB, Kaya KS, Deveci I, Özel L, Naiboğlu B, Habeşoğlu T, Egeli E. A study to detect Helicobacter pylori in adenotonsillar tissue. Ear Nose Throat J. 2011 Apr;90(4):E32.
21. Habesoglu M, Habesoglu TE. Unilateral nasal polyposis: clinical presentation and pathology. Am J Otolaryngol. 2011 May-Jun;32(3):265; author reply 265.
22. Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Deveci I, Kulekci S, Kalaycik C, Gokceer T, Egeli E. Effect of type I tympanoplasty on the quality of life of children. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2011 May;120(5):326-30.
23. Tek A, Karaman M, Uslu C, Habeşoğlu T, Kılıçarslan Y, Durmuş R, Esen S, Egeli E. Audiological and graft take results of cartilage reinforcement tympanoplasty (a new technique) versus fascia. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012 Apr;269(4):1117-26.
24. Habesoglu TE, Habesoglu M, Kalaycik C, Tek A, Surmeli M, Egeli E. Gastroesophageal reflux disease and tympanoplasty surgical outcome: is there a relationship? J Laryngol Auto. 2012 Jun;126(6):580-5.
25. Eriman M, Kinis V, Habesoglu M, Habesoglu TE, Surmeli M, Deveci I, Deveci S. Role of allergy in primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. J Craniofac Surg. 2012 Nov;23(6):1620-3.
26. Habesoglu M, Habesoglu TE, Karatas C, Tosun A, Gursel AO, Oysu C. Is there any predictor for tinnitus outcome in different types of otologic surgery? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 Aug;270(8):2225-9.
27. Habesoglu M, Eriman M, Habesoglu TE, Kinis V, Surmeli M, Deveci I, Deveci S. Co-occurrence and possible role of sinonasal anomalies in primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. J Craniofac Surg. 2013 Mar;24(2):497-500.
28. Kule ZG, Habesoglu TE, Somay A, Deveci HS, Kule M, Gursel AO. Histopathological characteristics of nasal polyps in smokers and non-smokers. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 May;25(3):946-9.
29. Habesoglu TE, Kule M, Kule ZG, Deveci HS, Yaylaci A, Gursel AO, Habesoglu M. How does parental smoking affect nasal mucociliary clearance in children? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Mar;272(3):607-11.
30. Deveci HS, Deveci I, Toraman M, Dündar TA, Habeşoğlu TE, Habeşoğlu M, Karavuş A. Exagerrated Role of Complete Blood Count Parameters on the Prognosis of Idiopathic SuddenSensorineural Hearing Loss. Journal of Otolaryngology Advances 2016; 1(4):1-7.
31. Deveci HS, Habeşoğlu TE, Karataş C, Uzun S. Facial nerve mimicking the fibrocartilaginous annulus of the tympanic membrane. Ear Nose Throat J. 2017 Apr-May;96(4-5):156-157. PMID: 28489230.
32. Habesoglu TE, Ozturk Kulekci S, Deveci S, Toraman M, Habesoglu M. Percutaneous rhinolift procedure for droopy tip. Am J Otolaryngol. 2021 Jul-Aug;42(4):102988. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2021.102988.
33. Ozturk SK, Habesoglu TE, Ihvan A, Palaoglu I, Cokay BI, Habesoglu MO. Effects of Esterified Hyaluronic Acid, Adipose Tissue, and Blood Glue on Survival of Diced Cartilage Grafts. J Craniofac Surg. 2022 Jul-Aug 01;33(5):1614-1618. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008304.
Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals;
3.1. Toros SZ, Akkaynak Ç, Naiboğlu B, Esen HS, Doğaner Ö, Erden T. Clinicopathological Retrospective Analysis of Salivary Gland Tumors. Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital Medical Journal 2005;45(4): 188-193.
3.2. Toros SZ, Erden T, Bölükbaşı S, Naiboğlu B, Noşeri HK, Akkaynak Ç. Tympanoplasties: Factors Affecting Surgical Success in 100 Cases. Otoscope 2005; 6(3): 73-78.
3.3. Karaman M, Tuncel A, Tek A, Habeşoğlu TE. The Relationship between Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy and Histological Results in Parotid Masses. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 18 (1):1-5, 2010;1-5
3.4. Kınıs V, Naiboğlu B, Habeşoğlu TE, Toros SZ, Eriman M, Habeşoğlu M, Egeli E. The effectiveness of clinical examination and computed tomography in laryngeal cancer T-staging. Ear Nose Bogaz Ihtis Journal. 2010 Jan-Feb;20(1):1-6.
3.5. Karaman M, Tek A, Tuncel A, Habeşoğlu TE, Demir K, Habeşoğlu M. Diagnostic Value of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Head and Neck Masses. ENT and BBC Journal 18 (3):95-103, 2010.
3.6. Habeşoğlu TE, Habeşoğlu M, Toros SZ, Naiboğlu B, Sürmeli M, Egeli E. Histopathology and risk factors for neoplastic disease in unilateral sinonasal polypoid masses. Göztepe Medical Journal 25(2):78-81, 2010
3.7. Karaman M, Tek A, Tuncel A, Habeşoğlu TE. Evaluating Patients with Septal Deviation Using Respiratory Function Tests Before and After Septoplasty Surgery. ENT and BBC Magazine 19 (1):1-5, 2011
3.8. Umut E, Habesoglu M, Habesoglu TE. A Case Report of Follicular Occlusion Trial Due to a Rare Head and Neck Mass “Acne Conglobata”. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 2012; 20(1):38-40
3.9. Karataş C, Habeşoğlu TE, Gürsel AO, Deveci HS, Somay A. A rare case. A Case of Postauricular Pilonidal Sinus. Turkish Otolaryngology Archive 2012; 50(2):32-34.
3.10. Kule ZA, Deveci HS, Kule M, Habeşoğlu TE, Somay A, Gürsel AO. The correlation of clinical measures with the histopathological findings in nasal polyposis. ENT Updates 2015;5(1):1–8.
3.11. Hande Senem Deveci, Mustafa Kule, Zeynep Altın Kule, Tülay Erden Habeşoğlu Diagnostic challenges in cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis: A review
North Clin Ist. 2016; 3(2): 150-155
3.12. Hande Senem Deveci, Tülay Erden Habesoğlu, Cem Karataş, Ali Okan Gürsel, Adnan Somay, Nurver Özbay. A Rare Cause of Sleep Apnea: Laryngeal Schwannom. Caucasian J Med Sci. 2016; 6(2): 138-141.
3.13. Surmeli R, Habesoglu TE. A New Treatment Option for Vestibular Migraine: Onabotulinum Toxin Type A. Istanbul Med J 2020; 21(3): 177-81.
Books, translations
1. Atlas of Operative Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery by: Bachi T Hathiram, Vicky S Khattar. (Septoplasty Chapter). 1/e Edition, 2013. ISBN: 978-93-5090-199-1.
2. Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Specialization Training Source Book-2. Head and Neck Vascular Lesions, 2019
3. Liane B. Johnson, Sleep-Induced Pediatric Respiratory Disorder, Chapter 76, Bailey Head and Neck Surgery- Otolaryngology
4. Towne BM, Mehra P. Neurotoxins and Fillers in Facial Esthetic Surgery. Wiley Blackwell, 2019.
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